JANI LANE's Brother And Daughter Featured On 'Song & Dance Man: A Tribute To Warrant & Jani Lane'

August 14, 2023

FnA Records has released a tribute album, "Song & Dance Man: A Tribute To Warrant & Jani Lane". This project was seven months in the making and the listener will be delighted to hear the results: renditions of WARRANT and Jani Lane songs by those bands and artists that loved the Lane era of WARRANT.

FnA Records says: "In early January 2023, FnA Records put a call out for artists to send in their tributes of WARRANT songs from the Jani Lane time period. We were not only surprised at the overwhelming response that came in, but all the musicians who just wanted to share with us (FnA) their own personal stories of them and Jani and WARRANT. We knew we had an instant winner on our hands, but what we didn't know was what was to come…

"To make the project a little more interesting (and so that we didn’t just get exact replicas of WARRANT songs) we posted ads in country groups, acapella groups, rap groups, bluegrass groups, etc. To our surprise we hit in the bluegrass group and we hit 'BIG'. Long story short, John Feist from the HUNTER SKEENS AND THE FORERUNNERS bluegrass band contacted us and stated 'I am an old friend of Jani's and played with him back around their high school days and after' — and not only that, but John's current band includes Jani's brother Eric Oswald — and would we be interested in doing something with them? Hell yes! Around the same time we were also talking with Jani's daughter, Maddi Lane, who is an artist in her own right, and she elatedly not only contributed 3 of her father's tunes to the project, but wanted to be involved from front to back. Maddi was one of six judges in the overwhelming task of whittling the artists down to 16 from over 50 submissions amongst other areas including artwork, sequencing, design, and naming the album."

Other notable facts:

* Eric Oswald (Jani's brother) is the one who recorded the intro on the song "Uncle Tom's Cabin" from the "Cherry Pie" album by WARRANT. And he did it again for this project.
* Maddi Lane contributes "Heaven", "Sometimes She Cries" and "Stronger Now" to the album.
* This project contains tracks by artists from Chile, Poland, Canada, and The U.S.
* The guitar case on this album cover is Jani's actual WARRANT guitar case

Track listing:

01. JIM CREAN - Mr. Rainmaker
02. CHAD REED - Dirty Rotten Filthy Stinking Rich
03. NEW JERSEY - Big Talk
04. ROBERT KANE - Down Boys
07. PLAY ROUGH - Hole In My Wall
08. PRETTY TIED UP - Thin Disguise
10. MADDI LANE - Heaven
13. NOMAD - Stronger Now
14. PRETTY TIED UP - Song and Dance Man
15. NEW JERSEY - The Bitter Pill
16. ROK HOLLYWOOD - Quicksand
17. CHARLIE BONNET III - Sure Feels Good To Me
18. MADDI LANE - Sometimes She Cries
19. MADDI LANE - Stronger Now

Check out audio samples at fnarecords.net.

"Song & Dance Man: A Tribute To Warrant & Jani Lane" is the third in a series of tribute albums that FnA Records has released and will continue to release. The label's next project will be a tribute to RATT.

Lane died in August 2011 at age 47. Paramedics found his body in a Comfort Inn motel room in Woodland Hills, California, which is near Los Angeles. Lane had battled alcohol abuse for years.

Lane recorded several albums with WARRANT in late 1980s and early 1990s but left the group several times. The band's seventh studio LP, "Born Again", was released in 2006 and featured Jaime St. James as the lead singer. In 2008, Lane returned to WARRANT temporarily and toured with the group. In September that year, WARRANT announced that Jani had left again. The band replaced him with Robert Mason and released its eighth studio album, "Rockaholic", in 2011 and "Louder Harder Faster" in 2017.

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